A happy Easter?

As you will know from my Easter message in our service this morning, I’m not sure if it appropriate to say ‘Happy Easter’ - although I have shared Easter greetings with many people today. We are in such a fearful place at the moment. Many people in the world today won'‘t be having a very happy Easter.

But in the gospel we read this morning, Jesus says two really significant words. The first is a name - ‘Mary’. When Jesus says Mary’s name, she recognises him. I had the same experience just after Easter in 1978, when on a Christian youth camp. Suddenly, it sounded as if God was saying my name. ‘Peter’. And I recognised him.

Have you heard Jesus say your name?

The second word Jesus said was ‘Peace’. He came into a locked room, like those in which we find ourselves during ‘lockdown’, and he spoke words of peace to his frightened disciples. Then they recognised him.

The first Easter Day was not primarily a day of joy and celebration. That came later, after the words that provoked recognition, contact. At first, Easter was full of fear and confusion.

So maybe Jesus can meet you today, if you are also anxious and confused. We don’t know exactly what the future holds. But with recognition comes hope - the potential for future relationship and the assurance of Jesus’s continuing presence. It won’t all be plain sailing - but he would be with his disciples. And he will be with us.

So, maybe the greeting should be ‘Have a hopeful Easter’. The risen Jesus brings hope to a world in pain.


In the breaking of bread - and other ordinary things